Wednesday, July 10, 2019
In just a few days a huge group of hobby enthusiasts will meet up in Helsinki to celebrate the seminal GW game Mordheim and it's 20th birthday. Among them some of the very same people who created the game all those years ago.
I'm way too busy prepping the last of the terrain and finish up the last figures to write something exhaustive right now, but at least here's a bunch of pics of the undead warband and it's leader, the nefarious vampire Graf Sugismund Molossus - Knight of The Order of The Black Wing, Scourge of Parravon, Sorrow of Swartzhafen. He's joined by the vile necromancer Macrotus the Soiled, mysterious swordsman Myotis the Blade, dregs Guano the Great and Artibeus the Rank and a unit of ghastly wraiths (who I field using the dire-wolf rules).
As you can see I've created quite a lot of terrain as well, but more on that, and more on the warband after this weekend. If you want to read up on the MORDHEIM MMXIX project and check out all the other warbands go to Echoes of Imperium and have a look.