Friday, October 24, 2014

Putrid Blightmarine

Here's the first conversion to come out of the new blightkings. 
Started off with a death guard as the possibilty for truescaled plague marines became apparent the moment I saw the first pictures of the kit. Still extremely work in progress - the boltpistol is very much a placeholder and will be replaced by something chunkier. 


  1. This is great Jeff. A simple but very effective conversion, which shows the potential of the Blight King Set - and a great way to truescaling Marines!

    1. Yeah - I think we'll see a lot of plaguemarines based on these guys. Especially this one, what with the full armour and all.

  2. He looks really nice. I actually quite like the bolt pistol he is currently holding. It I feel is scaled nicely with the model. I would try and do something to make it look like the pistol actually has a trigger and trigger-guard.

    Also, I think I would try and add a collar behind his head to make him more marine-like. You could also consider giving him some grenades and other wargear around his waist.

    1. Cheers mate!
      I hear you but I find it too weedy. Changed it to a old scool bolter which was a perfect size.

      Collar is a great idea!

    2. An old school bolter is the perfect solution! Right in character.

  3. Absolutely great. Eager to see some more progress on this one.

  4. He is awesome looking! I think the kit works surprisingly well for plague marines with minor conversion. I think the smaller bolt pistol is a good size too; it emphasizes the scale of the marine. I think it is cool that it looks so small for him, while it would look huge on a guardsmen.

    1. It get your angle but the bolt pistol had to go.

  5. I like it, but I usually like regular marine arms on large marines... the terminator arms often look too bulky, particularly in the forearms.

    In the "old days" plague marines were special in that they could use a bolter one handed... you could possibly use that in this figure (or the series of them) and have him using a regular bolter as if it were a pistol.

    What are you going to do for his power pack? Replacing one of both of the side vents with something more "smoke stack" might be interesting.

    1. Way ahead of you! Old scool bolter it is!

      For the power pack I'm using some gubbins from the freebooterz - I think you'll like 'em!

  6. Now we're talking! Btw the big kits are also looking awesome with a ton of possibilities. Big sexy aka Glottkin is just jawdropping! Any plans on going big or are you keeping it low key?

    1. Actually, while I really dig the blightkings I find the big monsters rather unimpressive.

    2. Really? The riders look good as far as bitz go, and probably scale well against the blightkings. The sorcerer brother on Glottkin is a favorite of mine at least.

    3. Oh yes, the riders - at least the glotkin brothers look great. I was talking more about the mounts. Getting a bit tired of malformed
      mutant giant sloth/ape like monsters. Couldn't at least one of them have been a nurgly dragon?


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