Saturday, February 07, 2015

The Diva

Some say the wyrd creature simply known as Diva is the last surviving member of a heinous Chaos-tainted xenos race. 
Others that she once was a commorite tormentrix who have fallen even further into depravity. Or perhaps she is the result of an unholy union of human wytch and daemonette. No one knows for sure.. 

What can be said with absolute certainty is that she's given herself body and soul to She Who Thirsts and the path of pain and excess. 


  1. Amazing job J!! The color choice is stellar!! You really own the blue color. Really love the details on the knees but the base is stellar. The skull might deserves a roman number. Excellent!!!

    1. Thanks buddy! I'm quite happy with how vibrant the blue turned out. I had a plan blending purple tips on the tentacles but gave up on that idea. Just the highlighting of them was a pain in the...

      The base is actually from an clampack GW model... Can't remember wich one though.

  2. Love it! The combination of bits is inspired and also happens to be parts I have ... sorry in advance for when I inevitably steal this idea :)

  3. Nice, looks like a nautolan from SW!

    1. It has a certain starwars vibe don't it?
      Or fifth element obviously. Or farscape...

  4. Amazing job on The Diva, man! The blue really pops! I could just imagine here swinging that glaive about here head performing a wacky operatic number as she goes.

  5. Yep! I imagine she sounds a bit like Xena... Aiaiaiaaiiiii!

  6. I must say that is a pretty stunning conversion, backed up by an excellent paint job! The face in particular has a huge amount of character and really defines the figure. Shame it's a one off figure a whole group of similar idividuals would be a fantastic warband project.

    1. Thanks Ed!

      You never know... She might pick up some friends further along. But at the moment it's full focus on the Iron Sleet Invitational.

  7. I shaded her skin with a mix of green camoshade and a vibrant blue ink. I think the camoshade helped create that natural look. It's blue but still looks like skin.

  8. I'm not completely convinced by the heart on the left kneepad...

    1. Ok? Suggestions?

      The angle of the shot makes it look like it's not centered (it is, more or less). Is that what's bugging you?

    2. I think it's more that it's a bit too clean and simple as a shape compared to the Slaanesh mark on the other knee, and things hanging from the belt. I'm not totally sure what I'd do instead - maybe a spiral or thorn design?

  9. Excellent conversion and paint job. The pose is marvelous. The heart looks fine to me, it has an old school eldar vibe about it.


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