Tuesday, January 12, 2016


Boom! Third blightking painted!

The sculpt, with the cheeky little nurgling peeking out of his belly, is such a brilliant one. Therefore I gave him a head with the eyes and mouth sewn shut - the idea being that the nurgling guides him and does all the talking.

With three blightkings done they're starting to look like a unit!

Next up - a look at Alexanders warband dedicated to She Who Thirsts! 


  1. Grotesquely brilliant. Love the dappled skin and armour colours - and the idea of the guiding Nurgling!

    1. Cheers!

      Perhaps the nurgling steers him by pulling the intestines. Who knows?

  2. I LOVE the idea of the Nurgling doing the talking!

    Super cool mate, well done.

    1. Glad you like it!

      I imagine it has a high pitched squeaky voice "Hey buddy - I'm down here!". Erik suggested I'd name him Krang. Which I did. As it's awesome.

  3. Love your work. You need to take a snap shot of all your conversion together!

    1. You mean ALL of them? I think it would be hard getting them all into one single photo...

  4. Absolutely amazing work. I love the pallid tone of the skin and how the skin's shading complements the rusted armour.

  5. Terrific work, really nasty but still humouros.

  6. Cheers Muppet! Having a ball cranking these misfits out...

  7. I've always hated that particular belly piece, but you've really changed my perception of it 100%! The reddening of the skin on the distended body parts is unbelievably well painted! Glorious!

    1. Haha! A nurgling wriggling out of a fat guys intestines - what's not to like?

      Glad you approve buddy!

  8. When you pray to the Dark Gods for power and immortality, dedicate yourself by committing the most terrible of deeds hoping that they make catch their eye and the Dark Gods acknowledges your strife and bless you with a Nurgling clawing itself out of you belly, you know your place in the grand scheme of things. Thanks Grandfather, thanks a lot.

    Excellent work. Stunning really.

    1. Yeah - it's a bit of a crap deal. Perhaps the nurgling feels like a blessing after having your eyes summarily sewn shut.

    2. At least he didn't see it coming.

  9. Now that's a proper Masterblaster hehehe great model. I love your use of unusual heads.

    1. Cheers! Love those severed heads from the plaguebearers - they're just so terrifically gruesome.

  10. Love the colour palette. Also the bases are particular nice. Those tufts of pale yellow grass work extremely well.

    1. Thanks Jakob!
      Glad you like the base - I've taken a lot of inspiration from yours. The grass or moss or whatever is flowering foliage with some sepia ink. I'm quite fond of the look - there's something lichen like about it...

  11. Wonderful looking model! The painting brings everything together beautifully. All of the reds on his stomach are my favorite and sort of remind me of Alien. :)

    Keep up the great work!

    1. Personally it reminds me even more of that scene in Spaceballs - you could easily imagine the nurgling bursting out of his belly, don a barber shop straw hat and start tap dancing...

      Cheers Adam!

    2. Ha ha, that is true. :)

      I had forgotten about that scene.

  12. When I first saw him, before you painted him, I didn't "feel it". Especially the head. But BAM, you're painting really brought him to life. The head looks great now and it all fits together. My favorite of your Blightkings, so far. Love the story of the Nurgling doing the talking and maybe even guiding him. Alien meets Masterblaster :)

    1. Haha!Glad I managed to exceed your expectations!

  13. would love for you to include colours used in the painting.

    1. Hmmm. Hard to give you an exact recepie - it's a very back and forth "painterly" sort of process.
      I'll try to do a step by step of the next one. The most important thing is the black-brown-bone base coat that gives the mini a lot of initial definition. The armour is painted almost solely by washes of sepia and reikkand with highlights in flesh. The skin is mainly rakarth flesh and lots of washes of every concievable shade. The inflamed flesh is washed with red ink, then drybrushed with a mix of flesh and crimson, then washed again and so on until it looks right.

  14. Both modelling and painting on this mini are awesome ! He's got a "je ne sais quoi" of a gladiator ! Ave Nurgle !

    1. There is something gladitorial over him. Perhaps I should name him Krangus Maximus...

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  16. Amazing models and what a paint job. 10 points.

  17. I could stare at the skin on this model endlessly. Superb. Was it primarily glazing you used on the skin? The back story behind the model is great too, it adds instant character

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