Saturday, April 16, 2016

Quartermaster Clavius

Greetings, dear readers.
Today I present to you my first model for the Pilgrym Black Ship crew - Quartermaster Clavius. 

Clavius is Captain Inquisitor Lasaros surly second in command and serves as Quartermaster on the Black Arke Garm's Maw. 

He manages the Hold, where the unsanctioned psykers are interred, and has the honorary title of Warden of the Occlusian. 


  1. Replies
    1. Not really, no. The Black Ships doesn´t tend to have the jolliest of recruits.

  2. Very very cool! Reminds me of Picta Mortis' style. A simple kitbash made special by your wonderful painting talents. I can't wait to learn more about this Black Ship.

    1. Thanks buddy!

      Picta Mortis work is a huge influence on the look of the Aarkers. I wanted a darker, more controlled paintscheme than my usual fare. And nobody does black better than Picta.

      The kitbash is, as you say, really simple, but I love the Primus as it is and didn´t want to mess with it too much. It already has a sort of Nostromo astronaut vibe to it so it was just a matter of adding a new head and get rid of the stealer arms.

  3. Lovely work. He looks fantastic!

  4. That's a lovely figure, the conversion look simple but it is enough mods to make him look different from the Genestealer character he is based on.
    I love the colour scheme, really dark, really 40k indeed!

    Good stuff!


    1. Thanks Morbäck! Glad you dig!

      I sprayed him black and then mechanicus grey instead of my usual black/brown/bone undercoat. Really helps to create a more sombre atmosphere.

  5. The way you paint black is really beautiful. Do you mind sharing your general technique?

    1. Well in short it begins with the previously mentioned black and grey undercoat. Then a nuln wash. After that stippling and drybrushing with mechanicus grey, followed by several light drybrushes adding light grey to the mix - I also do edge highlights with the same colour. If it gets to light I darken it down with a nuln wash. When its all done I give it a blue glaze to make it richer.

  6. Great start to one of the Pilgrym themes I'm most curious about! What can we expect next?

    1. Inquisitor Captain Lasaros himself of course, apart from that you'll just have to wait and see...

  7. Cracking job mate, you've really nailed a lovely somber look here - love it!

  8. Great job! I really like the red border on the coat. nice and simple! also great to make the -I- red as well, makes it pop!

    1. Cheers Erik! I went with a red -I- instead of the go-to-standard brass. The aarkers will only sport iron/steel metal: the traditional bane of witches.

  9. I think the paint scheme you selected really elevates this model, and separates it further from the base model. The controlled, limited palette is superb. There is so much black, but it is expertly broken up by that sharp, dark red. I think the inflamed scar on his face really helps with this too. And it is great to finally see that symbol you designed finally on a model; impressive freehand.

    1. Thanks Eric! I'm quite happy with how that red turned out - cold but not purple.

  10. The conversion and paint job is brilliant! This is the best version of the Genestealer Primus i've seen so far.

    1. Cheers Wilhelm. It's an amazing figure - and really easy to change with just a few fairly simple swaps.

  11. All my questions about this fig were already asked and answered above. :)

    Looks fantastic mate, very nicely done.

  12. Wow, that's a masterpiece. I love the face mask as shoulder pad - very clever kitbash.

    1. Bah...that's weird...this posted to the wrong entry. Comment was intended for the Wing Commander, although the Quartermaster is still amazing.

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