Tuesday, May 12, 2015


After a brief hiatus - due to a quick trip to Prague - I managed to finish up the Sinistro-pattern assassin (now nicknamed "Skeletor" for obvious reasons...)
As some have noted this guy could have easily been made into a mhorrigotii character, but in the end it felt more interesting to do a really sinister imperial gribbly...

Here's the whole gang. More to come - an explorator and a mechanicvm-affiliated mercenary are some of the minis being worked on... 


  1. Bloody gorgeous. Group as well! Glad you kept him as an Imperial badass.

    Looking very much forward to the explorator and mercenary :)

    1. Cheers mate! Yeah - he fits in well with the rest of the man-machines.

  2. That gang really looks the business. Each character is very distinctive, but they clearly fit together at the same time. Great work!

  3. Great job Jeff! With the speed you've built and finished these are we looking at an actual army soon? ;)

    1. Well... Maybe not an army per se, but a slightly larger warband perhaps. We'll see...

  4. Fantastic. The blues really pop, and bring the group together.

    1. I promise to let the blue be on my next project... ;-)

  5. Excellent group picture. They all fit in, but they all are individuals.

  6. I do rather like those ruddy browns, the assassin is so subtle and clever a conversion it looks like it could of been done straight out of the box!

    Do you have any thoughts on the upcoming Cult Mechanicus kits?

    1. Thanks!

      I like the new kits. I'm especially surprised at how much I like the kastellan robots now that I've seen good pictures of them ( even though I think they would have been even cooler if GW had stuck with the baroque design aesthethic set down in the earlier kits)

  7. Fantastic. Very varied... and unified at the same time. Superb.

    1. Thanks Jakob! Glad you like 'em buddy!

  8. Thanks Muppet! Glad you dig!

  9. He looks great dude, very creepy. Love the big stormfiend conversion too.

    And I didn't see grimdark R2 before!

    1. I call him Delta-Secundus. He really is my favourite...

  10. Absolutely scary and gorgeous at the same time!!

  11. Fantastic work! I'm really looking forwards to the next update.

    I'm working on a project myself, that would look nice on a similar kind of base. Would you mind sharing how you did them?

    1. It´s a rather longwinded but fairly straightforward process.

      I glue some stones/pebbles to the base and perhaps something interesting - like a big cog or what have you.
      Then I paint the entire thing with citadel agrellan earth. After that I add some patches of blackfire earth texture paint. When dry, I give all the rocky areas a wash of typhus corrosion. After that I wash the whole thing with sepia and then drybrush the base with bone.
      I often go in and tone the base with other washes in some places after that, then drybrush again and so on - it´s a back and forth process.

    2. Oh! Forgot the most important thing!

      When everything is done I wash Vallejo Iron Oxide Pigment over and around the rocky areas and on the lover parts of the minis legs to represent dust. I also go back and redo the drybrush highlights after that.

  12. I know I said that he looked like a Mhorrigotii cultist earlier but that image has been entirely replaced by the paint job and the company of his friends. Okay, maybe not entirely but still.

    I can't wait to see the Explorator and the mercenary. I love the concept of a mercenary and it can only get better when seen through a Gothic lens and that lens only gets better when sprinkled with the cult Mechanicus.

    Also I have to ask if you though about making the Explorator an Archmagos, someone to act as a figurehead that could bring all of these diverse characters together. Much like an inquisitor I suppose.

    1. Hmmm... An Archmagos honestly seems like a little too powerful a figure to lead this rag tag team. I think a "normal" Explorator magos will do fine.

  13. Very nice and singular warband!

    My favorite is probably the Skeletor for he looks truly aggressive.

    Good job dude!


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