Thursday, April 13, 2017


I've got a huge and rather different Nurgle project in the pipeline. 

More on this soon, but as a warm up I cobbled together this plagueborg for my long gestating nurgly dark mechanicvm gang. He/it came out slightly more saturated than his fellows, but I'm still pretty pleased with the result. 


  1. That's awesome, I love the concept!

  2. OK. This I am totally looting. My Nurgly Warpsmith needs servitors.

  3. As a Nurgle fan, I really like this guy, I wish I had this idea! However I am always impressed by your base, they are so fashinating, a perfect frame for your miniatures.

  4. O this is fantastic, a perfect image of Mech and Nurgle spliced together.

  5. Awesome work, man - That looks fantastic! ...Well, disgusting, but fantastic! ;)

  6. Oh my. That is a good un.

    I'm intrigued by your Nurglii project

  7. Cheers guys! Glad you dig the rotten sonnuvvagun!

  8. Absolutely stunning, I love this miniature. The conversion, your paint-work, it all comes together beautifully.

  9. Plagueborg's looking fantastic, Johan! You are always at your best when you create disgusting amalgamations of rusty metal and rotting flesh ;)

    Which makes me all the happier that a Nurglite Dark Mechanicum project seems to be in the cards: I had already wished for something like that to happen when seeing the model over at the Ammobunker, and to see it confirmed over here is a special treat! Really looking forward to seeing this project take (putrid) shape! :)

    1. Cheers Krauty!

      I started the nurgly mech gang years ago actually, so it's hardly a new project. Rather one I keep coming back to every now and then - for some reason I find paint ing these "disgusting amalgamations of rusty metal and rotting flesh" strangely soothing.

  10. Wow, this one is seriously AWESOME!

  11. Hi J.E. I have just see and It's amazing ! I have create something similiar for my vanguards ...( radioative weapons...bionics) using the plague bearers as well... I will follow your conversions !

  12. I've always thought of this sort of biomechanical thing as more of a Khorne theme, but it really works great here. I'll have to start experimenting more with some of my projects for the other gods.

  13. That looks fantastic! Those Kataphron claws are perfect for Nurgly things.


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