Tuesday, November 12, 2013

More machine now than man

Finally some real progress on the Iron Hand marine:

I think he's imposing enough to be an Iron Father. As most of my names are nicked from music history in one way or another, I find "Iron Father Theremine" quite fitting.


  1. I have to say, Mr. Vader, that one of my favorite things about your blog is the titles you give your posts! I always get a chuckle out of them. And (needless to say), Theremine is stunning.

    1. Thanks mate! I try to keep my wit about me.

  2. Good choice for name.

    Keep that white to a minimum though. He's not stupid Templars.

    1. I kinda like templars actually, but he'll be mainly black. A white cog pattern along the edge of the pauldrons and some dark red details. Other that that black and steel - no brass (which will be hard as i love painting brass)


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