Saturday, March 15, 2014

van Kushings retuine

Took some group shots of Ordo Xenos Inquisitor van Kushing and his merry band of men. 

I stress men as I strongly feel this retuine needs a feminine touch. Not sure what to add though - perhaps the sister repentia I made a while ago, perhaps an eldar advisor or a female mystic of some sorts - I'm open to suggestions!

From left to right: Executioner Maunsell, Private Lister, Ordo Xenos Inquisitor van Kushing, Battle-brother Sirius and Operative XIII.


  1. I think the Eldar wouldn't fit - the existing models give quite a Traditionalist feel rather than a Radical one. Kushing seems to be a no nonsense, militaristic kind of chap who looks for relatively clean cut, professional looking types. It feels like they need a stern, no nonsense female character.

    Repentia is loyal enough, but I think her fervour will sit a little uncomfortably with the staid, reserved feel of the rest of the group.

    My initial thoughts would either be a female gunslinger - where her gender is effectively superfluous to her role - Kushing looking for skills, not caring about gender... Or, someone upright and civilised - a woman of noble birth, all high collars and ruffled clothes - a Seneschal who resolves many of the day to day practical problems for the group while remaining a deadly and often under estimated swords woman.

    It's amazing how I end up assigning character to your conversions - the way you've put them together leaves me feeling I know how they would think and behave - that they're real people!

    1. Thanks mate! That's brilliant input.

      I think you've nailed van Kushings character there although I view him as neither puritan nor radical, rather intensly, ruthlessly, pragmatic. The end always justifies the means in his book. So a xenos advisor or licensed bountyhunter could possibly be part of the group - he just wouldn't trust them...

    2. I'd almost hazard that there are three distinct groups in his mind: reliable and professional, professional but untrustworthy, and then, right at the bottom - unreliable. The last have a use of a sort but are never really part of the band - more peripheral and temporary attachment

    3. Oh, and I do think if you want to emphasise the pragmatism over Puritanism, a "reliable" xenos is the way to go.

  2. Go totally radical and make up a female Squat Enginseer. That would look sweet.

    1. A squat wouldn't be very radical would it? They're more or less part of the imperium.

      Radical would be a tyranid with a mindcontrol neurocollar or an ork freebooter or a kroot mercenary....

  3. Beautiful work there. Full of atmosphere.

    For me, I think the Sisters Hospitaler would be a perfect fit for this warband. She has a pragmatic and no-nonsense feel to her.

    1. I think you´re on to something there...


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