Wednesday, March 04, 2015

An Inviting Marine

Good evening folks!

As requested here's a turnaround of the slaaneshi marine for the Iron Sleet Invitational. 

And here's a black and white preview of the painting in progress. The observant among you might notice that the wires in his belly has been greenstuffed over. 


  1. Looks pretty awesome, can definitely feel the slaaneshi vibe. The parts all come together really well, I especially like the bacpack and bionic arm.

  2. Again, that chest plate is killer. The mechanic skeletal arm is a great touch as well.

  3. I was really surprised when I saw this turn of events but I'm very excited in seeing your take on slaanesh. Hope you go full on RT noise marine style on the paintjob but I'm certain it'll be awesome no matter the take :)
    For my own part I'm now almost regretting sticking my head out as I need to deliver on the paintjob on the Merciless trio.

    1. He he. Yeah - it's a different thing when you promise someone else to deliver a mini. Suddenly it feels like work...
      I'm not going full noisemaribe on this - it'll be a more sombre affair in line with the diva.

    2. Oh I've built the Merciless myself and they will be painted by me. I'm just getting cold feet seeing the lineup in the Invitational :) I don't do commissions specifically, I just sell or trade surplus stuff I don't want any longer.

    3. No I get that. I meant commiting to a project like the invitational puts a different preassure on one self. You feel the need to deliver

  4. Beautiful and sinsiter, I really like the sleek look. It has an almost chaos warped, boi-tech look without going so far as to have the stretched bio-flesh look of a lot of the GW kits (possessed etc).

    I think the silouhette still reads as "marine", just a sleeker, warped pattern.

    1. Cheers mate! Sleek and sinister was the look I was going for!

  5. Well, that depends if you see traitors as true marines. I don't - back in the days chaos renegades could look more or less like anything as long as they had a gun and a backpack.

    I personally find the "imperial marine but with spiky bits"-look rather unimagenative so for me him not looking like a marine is sort of a complinent.

  6. He is unique and wickedly Slaaneshii! One of my favourites of your sculpts. The hand, the addition of gems and other small touches that are important for the overall feel.

    ...and painting already :)

    1. Thanks mate!

      Yeah - I'm focusing on them one at a time now. That's how I work best.

  7. Great work again Vader! I can certainly understand your decision to change your focus on the models for the Invitational. The deadline really puts an additional stress to model building and painting. It has been a struggle for me thus far...

    I really like what you have done with this traitor marine. He is really interesting looking with enough throwbacks to classic marines to remind you what he is. His bionic arm is probably my favorite aspect of the model; that hand fits him perfectly. Great choice of head for him too.

    Good luck painting! Roughly half way done with the Invitational, something to be proud of!

    1. Thanks Adam!

      Don't think of it as a deadline. Takes all the fun out of it. Give it the time it takes and if they're not ready in time so be it. It's not a job after all...

      I ripped that arm from another model that wasn't working out. Feels like a good call.

  8. It's absolutely perfect my friend ! It's a shame you're not doing more Slaaneshi things... you're soo on a good way with it! You have here a serious Golden demon contestor !

    1. Wow, thank you Manu! I think there might be more slaaneshii minis further along...

      However my painting is far from GD standards. Those guys are just insanely good....

  9. I think you'll find him appropriately slaaneshii in the end ;-)

  10. Woow, you manage to keep surprising me, very clever use of pieces and an outstanding composition!!

  11. I like that dude!

    I think the painting should help "smoothing" the necron chest. It is a very distinctive piece, it says necron to me. But a clever paintjob can definitely link it to the rest.

    He's cool, nothing more to say :D


  12. Interesting pieces you used there. The left arm/hand has to be my fav. part. Really cool gang you got there. Will love too see them painted.


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