Saturday, August 06, 2016

Pilgrym: Battle report

The Pilgrym write-up is finally up on Iron Sleet!

 Migs has gathered tons of photos and notes from the sprawling game and have done a great job turning them into a comprehensible story. Head on over to Iron Sleet and give it a read. I think you get a pretty good picture of just how crazy and tumultous the game was...

Iron Sleet: The -P- game


  1. A BIG congrats on taking the win!

    1. Haha! Thanks! It was the perfect end to a perfect game!

  2. This was possibly the most beautiful 40k skirmish game I've ever seen. Thank you and everyone else for orchestrating such a magnificent game. I don't know what part I loved more: the minis, the scenery, the custom playing equipment and cards, the transport cases... there's just so much to look at! I've been following the Pilgrymagge games since the Yggdrasilium conflict, and it just gets better and better every game I see. I have no words to express how much epicness this all is, so I'll just say thank you for the experience of the battle report and the pictures. I hope one day my own skills as a converter and wargamer can bring me to playing something even half as wonderful as this.


    1. Cheers mate! It really was a spectacular sight.

  3. Great stuff but just really sad that it all had to be in black and white. I was hoping for all the colourful models to come together there and see what it looked like facing each other in all their glory.

    1. Well - I think the BW photos tell the story better so I really understand Migs decision to present the game that way. The Weir bros have also put up a feature in on their site so head over there for some technicolour goodness..

  4. We all left our gangs in Nottingham with the WD crew so expect a big Blanchitsu feature covering the game and all the models in a couple of months!

  5. Nice to hear it's getting the Blanchitsu treatment.

  6. Stirling stuff mate. As has been said above, one of the most amazing games I've seen to date. Bravo.

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