Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Lootin' an' shootin'!!

After yesterdays whining / stroll down memory it's time for minis. Here's the painted third member of the Flash Gitz unit:

Treasure map:

This guy looks like a deathskull, the first one vaguely like a evil sun, so the plan is to make one pirate hailing from each clan.  Here's the bloodaxe:


  1. Awesome work all around! The skin tone looks fantastic. His mask kind of reminds me of Judge Dredd. I am the law!

    The blood axe is also suitably awesome. That goggled head is perfect. I like his peaked cap too, however I feel it looks like it is seated a little too high on his head. Think you could have it sit a little lower/closer to his head? I suppose it looks kind of whimsical as it is placed now, so maybe you can keep it, ha ha.

    Keep up the great work! I am tempted to buy some now too...

  2. Thanks guys! Glad you dig 'em!

    Adam: yeah I'm aware of the cap-problem. I did go back and shave off some of the greystuff propping up the hat but it didnt help as much as I would like. We'll see - perhaps I'll go back again and redo the whole damn thing.
    Or just leave it as it is...

  3. Beautiful minis. Great blog too. Would you mind if I share some of your work on my blog if I accredit and post links back here?


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