Sunday, July 20, 2014

Rogue Inquisitor Carax

Here's the finished radical in all his xenos tainted glory. I think of him as a member of the Ordo Xenos who has gotten just a wee bit too chummy with the dark eldar haemonculii and picked up a few of their bad habits along the way. Now declared excommunicate traetoris he continues his research on cloning and the exact nature of the soul for purposes as of yet unknown.


  1. So much character in this fellow! Probably my favourite model of yours yet! Great back story as well! Good job, man! (Exclamation marks abound!!)

    1. I humbly accept your exclammation marks, sir.

  2. Great looking model. I think you made the right choice for his head; it makes him look much more ominous. I an amazed how well the Scion armor works for the model (they blue color is nice too!), for a second or two I did not even recognize it! I also really like his bionic arm/elbow.

    Keep up the great work!

    1. Thanks Adam. Yeah - I'm glad I stuck with the original head - it's got much more character.

      The scions got a lot of praise when it came out (because they're awesome) but also a bit of stick for being too chaosy looking. That critique isn't completely far fetched...

  3. Thanks muppet!

    The hand is from the fantasy sorceror who also kindly donated his legs, and the arm is from a necron. The backpack is made primarily from a snazz gun gubbin from the new flash gitz.

  4. All the bits construction is seamless. Wonderful work as always. Are/do you game with your creations? If so, would love to read tales of their adventures.

  5. Very nice paint work on this guy, he turned out quite well. His boots seem a bit lost though... a darker color may have make them more obvious.

    I still want to see someone "chaosed" out with tons of runes and symbols on their robes.


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