Monday, July 07, 2014


Painted up the third flash git over the weekend:

I really liked this one as a conversion but got bored halfway through painting it for some reason. Guess that's why I never played goffs...


  1. It certainly looks the very no-nonsense type - very Goff like!

    The bull-skull is a nice touch, echoes the Goff symbol perfectly.

    I look forward to seeing which Freebooter / Clan representative is next!

    1. Yeah - he´s got that surly, determined look I associate with goffs.

      I think the blood axe is next up!

  2. Cheers mate!

    I agree - the skin worked out great on this guy. I shaded it with sepia and gave the knuckled, lips and other blood-rich parts a glaze of reikland which worked out really well. One need to work in quite a bit of brown in the green to keep the ork skin from looking cartoony.

  3. He looks great, love the idea of different clan themed ones nice one!


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