Tuesday, February 04, 2014


A grand Inquisitor like van Kushing needs a trusted bodyguard. Enter Pedor Maunsell, a seasoned veteran officer and honorary executioner:

This mini actually has a long story. It originally started as a rouge trader using these legs and the head, but with a scout torso. For some reason I didn't quite like it and just left it for a while moving on to other stuff. 
Some time later he got reworked into Captain Kirke, which was pretty cool but in the end a tad clunky. This, I think, will be the final version even if there's some more work to be done...


  1. Nice work! I would suggest a little work on his right hand to define the fingers better, and that does not look like a sword that needs a scabard... maybe replace it with some sort of knife?

    1. Yep - the right hand isn't finished yet. He'll be holding something I think - a parchment container or similar.

      Why wouldn't the sword need a scabard? I'd rather say that it's strange we don't see more scabards on minis...

    2. I say it does not need a scabard because it is a ceremonial sword used for executions, so it is not the sort of thing that is just carried around every day. (besides being so large as to be difficult to carry around)

  2. A clean and grim a**kicker! I think, I need some SM Vetguards, too...

    1. Oh, not space marine vet. My space marines are much bigger...

    2. Oh! No, no! I meant, that I need some more SM Vet because of the bits. I know, that he is no Space Marine or a SM Vet.

    3. Ah.

      Well then - carry on!

  3. Like it. Nice to see a scabbard for a sword. Kind of silly to think a bloke would be walking about with a sword in his hands all day long.

    1. Yeah - I agree. Same thing goes for giant pistols without holsters....

    2. As for scabbards and holsters, those are for every day carry sort of weapons, not for named artifacts from an earlier age, which are kept in crypts and only taken out once in a generation in the direst of need against the most horrific of foes. ;)

      More seriously, those things are baggage, and miniatures in general lack baggage. Maybe they leave it on the lander, or have Patches, the off screen servant carry suchlike things when the heros are not posing...


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