Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Master of desire

Here's the Emperors Children marine in all his depraved glory. 

You forget when you see him alone like this, but he's a big boy. Here he is next to Barfholomus and Ace:

Only thing missing now is some further detailing on the base and a name. 


  1. Damn he's huge! Spectacular work. Now you need to make khornate, tzentchian and mhorrigotii champions as well :)

    no name suggestions since I'm not that familiar with EC's names

    1. Well... As you might know I'm not a big fan of Khorne, but on the other hand it'd be fun to have a whole set...

      Chaos Renegades - gotta collect 'em all!

    2. Yeah I know how you feel about Khorne. Since it is kind of vanilla chaos I can understand that it is rather boring. But as you said, gotta have 'em all!

    3. I guess it's a challenge in a way - make something you like out of something you don't... It wont be your average angry berzerker marine with spikes at any rate - that's for certain!

  2. Fantastic work,sinister and striking...

    As for a name... I've been playing in a friends Vampire: Requiem for Rome RPG and we've been going through a lot of Greek, Latin and Phoenician names. When you asked for a name suggestion, one of my favourite NPC's jumped to mind: Myrmex.

    1. I like that. That or Cemtex ;-)

      I'll google some other roman names - have a look around - but Myrmex is definetly a great name! Thanks!

  3. Looks really good, a bit like a slaaneshi Night lord. The pink and blue combination has worked exceedingly well especially framing the face. Brilliant work as ever.


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