Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Pilgrym at Warhammer World

Good news everyone!

In what can only be described as the perfect culmination for all our Pilgrym efforts, Warhammer World in Nottingham have graciously decided to showcase all the models that took part in the game (including Lazaros and his cronies), along with the amazing board Migs built for the occasion. 

The minis will be on show December 3rd – February 26th 2017. Here´s what WW has to says about the display:

Some collections of miniatures stop you in your tracks. The special combination of attention to detail in conversion, technical ability in painting and overall concept all come together to create something admirable.
What makes The Pilgrym even more impressive, is that it was a seven month collaborative project undertaken by friends from around the world. These miniatures and 4×4 foot gaming board all embrace the Blanchitsu style, carry the touch of their individual creators, yet also pull into one cohesive display together. Miniatures by John Blanche will also be included in the display, so it’s a very unique chance to see this distinctive style.
The Pilgrym gaming board and miniatures will be on display in the Warhammer World Exhibition Centre so you can see for yourself the detail and character in each of these carefully crafted miniatures.

Warhammer World: Discover the Pilgrym - a stunning guest display