If I could I'd arm the lot of them with shotguns as reivers with shotguns are my new absolute favourite thing - there's something so quintessentially badass about that combo. These guys will be fielded as regular deathwatch marines - I just use the primaris to give them a proper scale.
I've also cobbled together a custom Kill Team battlefield/killzone. It’s made out of a 60x90 cm cork notice board - more or less the perfect size for a kill team board and it comes with a sturdy wood frame and everything.
The topographical variations are made from cork sheets glued on with PVA glue. The board was then strategically sprinkled with pebbles and some debris, painted with vallejo textured paint (which is great - especially as it it's cheap and comes in a huge 200 ML jar), sprayed with GW grey and khaki and then drybrushed with light grey. To finish it off some powders were applied to give a more realistic look.