Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Fighting fantasy

Mawgut Gloops warband is steadily growing. It's nice change of pace making grimdark warhammer fantasy miniatures instead of grimdark 40k miniatures.

The nurgly standardbearer made last week was the first to be recruited - he felt more like a fantasy mini anyway. 

Here's the other two:

What's next I hear you ask? Well the suggestion box is open. The warband is certainly in need of a wizard so that's more or less a given. Other than that it's an open field. 


  1. Looking good – I particularly like the way the last chap is holding his axe. It looks slightly unnatural and insectoid somehow. Coupled with the antennae antlers and the pincers under the helmet, he looks subtly wasp-like.

    Part of what I really like about Nurgle in Warhammer is the balance of gleeful innocence and spiteful malice. It's got remnants of that peculiar dark humour that pervaded the game way back, so can I suggest a drummer boy? It'd be a great way to hint at a carnivalesque nature.

    1. Good suggestion! However the little nurgly bellringer I made last week will serve as musican / comic relief. Neither he really feels like a 40k mini so he'll do nicely. I just need to give the little bugger a new base.

  2. Looking good Vader.

    Beastmen! For me at least they are the epitome of Old World Warhammer :)

    1. True that. A few pestigors are definitely a must.

  3. Wow - those are so great models, brilliant paintjob on the first one

  4. Looking great these. Might steal some ideas for my own warband. Keep up the good work Vader!

  5. Chaos Goblins.

    Love the "skinny" feller. Has a Frazetta feel about him.

    1. Haha! You're absolutely right!
      He really does have something Frazettish about him... Looks like something Deathdealer would chop up on a cover.

  6. Exciting stuff there... everyone should have a Chaos warband. That last guy with the plaguebearer body is particularly good.

    Nurgle Ungors? Pathetic little guys to fetch and carry for the big boys, and lend a few arrows to a battle before scarpering off when threatened.

    1. Thanks! There will be beastmen of some kind at least - but I'm more partial to pestigors than ungors I must confess...

    2. I wonder if you could get a nurgling head to fit an ungor... hmm.

  7. You know you totally should have a massive hulking minotaur in this warband! With the pose from the good old Mordheim mino.

    Other than that this looks very promising Jeff! I've also enjoyed fantasy loads these last months so have fun :)

    1. Good call! A minotaur is more or less a must!

    2. That new boneripper fits the bill quite well ;) with some work mind but still

    3. Haha. It is a bit huge for a minotaur methinks...

    4. Nah. That would bring it between the plastic minotaurs and the ghorgon but better proportioned than either. Besides that slab of muscle would convey the menace a lot better alongside your supersized infantry.

  8. Sorry to be a bother, but could you tell me the parts used for the last mini? He looks great!


    1. Not a problem!
      Plaguebearer body and half of the right arm. Head, left arm, right hand and loincloth nicked from the blightkings. Orc boyz shield. That´s it.

    2. Thanks for taking the time to let me know what you used.

      Much appreciated :)


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